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Thinking for a cooler world

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24 Hours of Reality

Al Gore hasn’t been in the spotlight much since a few years ago, when he was the most recognizable crusader for fighting climate change. But now he’s making a new push for a cleaner, more environmentally-friendly world. He’s launching a new global campaign called The Climate Reality Project. It’s a project that sets out to “reveal the complete truth about the climate crisis.”

Al Gore undertook this project because he says big oil and coal companies have deliberately misled the world about the reality of climate change. The effort is centered around a “24 Hours of Reality” which will take place September 14th – September 15th. During those 24 hours, Gore will give 24 multimedia presentations with pictures, information and slides revealing the effects of climate change on the planet. Then a panel of climate scientists will take over and discuss ways to solve the climate crisis.

Will you be watching 24 Hours of Reality?


July 13, 2011
